What Is Whooping Cough?

What Is Whooping Cough? Whooping cough (or pertussis) is a highly transmissible respiratory infection of Bordetella pertussis. It is characterized…

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Why Lab-Grown Meat Is Bad: Risks and Concerns

Why Lab-Grown Meat Is Bad Proponents are touting lab-grown meat (i.e., cultured, cellular meat) as an environmentally friendly alternative to…

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Pediatric Cardiac Surgeries: Types, Procedure, Benefits, Cost, Risk & Recovery

Pediatric Cardiac Surgeries Introduction Pediatric cardiac surgery is a complex intervention established for the newborn, all the way up to…

Anorectal Malformation Surgery: Types, Procedure, Benefits, Cost, Risk & Recovery

Anorectal Malformation Surgery Introduction Anorectal malformations (ARMs) are birth defects of the anus and rectum that impair a young infant…

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair: Types, Procedure, Benefits, Cost, Risk & Recovery

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair Introduction Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a rare birth defect in which an opening to the…

Fertility Surgery (Tuboplasty): Types, Procedure, Benefits, Cost, Risk & Recovery

Fertility Surgery (Tuboplasty) Introduction Surgeons perform fertility surgery, specifically tuboplasty, to repair or restore the function of the fallopian tubes.…

Stem Cell Therapy and Its Growing Potential in Regenerative Medicine

Stem Cells: A New Frontier in Regenerative Medicine and Healing Stem cell therapy is an exciting branch of regenerative medicine…

Uterine Polyps Removal: Types, Procedure, Benefits, Cost, Risk & Recovery

Uterine Polyps Removal Introduction Uterine Polyps Removal (or endometrial polyps) are small benign soft lesions arising from the epithelium lining…

Ovarian Cystectomy Surgery: Types, Procedure, Benefits, Cost, Risk & Recovery

Ovarian Cystectomy Surgery Introduction Surgeons perform ovarian cystectomy, a surgical operation in which they resect cysts from 1 or both…

Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery: Types, Procedure, Benefits, Cost, Risk & Recovery

Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery Introduction A variety of procedures aimed at restoring the structure, appearance, and functionality of the vaginal area…