Food & Diet

Eating a well-balanced diet means eating a variety of foods from each of the 5 food groups daily, in the recommended amounts.

The Evolution of Cancer Treatments: From Immunotherapy to AI Powered Therapies

Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment: The Role of Immunotherapy and AI Today, cancer treatments have gone well beyond the ordinary methods and…

Editor's Top Picks

The Benefits of Resistant Starch Supplements Effective Strategy.

Resistant Starch Supplements: A Powerful Tool for Gut and Overall Health Resistant starch is a substrate resistant to intestinal digestion…

Moringa Powder Benefits for Skin and Hair

Moringa Powder Benefits for Skin and Hair Moringa powder, obtained from the leaves of the…

Vegan Keto Diet: Plan, Recipes, and Before-and-After Transformation

Vegan Keto Diet: Before and After veganism and keto. Without animal food products and using…

High Fiber Low FODMAP Foods

High Fiber Low FODMAP Foods In individuals with IBS or sensitive gastrointestinal (GI) systems, a…

Mediterranean Diet: A Guide to Healthy Eating

Mediterranean Diet: A Guide to Healthy Eating Rather than one of many diet plans, the…

30-Day Plant-Based Diet Plan for a Healthier Lifestyle

Plant-Based Diet Plan A shift to a plant-based diet can result in many health improvements,…

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More form Food & Diet

Moringa Powder Benefits for Skin and Hair

Moringa Powder Benefits for Skin and Hair Moringa powder, obtained from the leaves of the…

Vegan Keto Diet: Plan, Recipes, and Before-and-After Transformation

Vegan Keto Diet: Before and After veganism and keto. Without animal food products and using…

High Fiber Low FODMAP Foods

High Fiber Low FODMAP Foods In individuals with IBS or sensitive gastrointestinal (GI) systems, a…

Mediterranean Diet: A Guide to Healthy Eating

Mediterranean Diet: A Guide to Healthy Eating Rather than one of many diet plans, the…

30-Day Plant-Based Diet Plan for a Healthier Lifestyle

Plant-Based Diet Plan A shift to a plant-based diet can result in many health improvements,…